What the Heck are Moon Rocks?

Lately, moon rocks have been gaining quite a bit of traction in use and popularity among medical marijuana patients. These buds consist of a combination of three high-quality cannabis products to create a unique substance. In this post, we will explain how to make them, how to ingest them, and what the medical uses are…and beyond!

How to Make a Moon Rock

To make a moon rock, first determine the desired level of THC and CBD in your flower, as this will affect the potency of the final product. The strain GSC is often used, but any flower will work.

Next, dip or spray the flower with hash oil. THC and CBD, which were removed from the original plant through a chemical process, are the cannabinoids that make up hash oil. This step heightens the strength to create a better and longer high for patients.

Finally, dust the bud with kief, a fine powder ground from the resin found on the cannabis plant. If you use a grinder for your flower, the kief is collected in the bottom of the grinder. Kief intensifies the overall potency of the moon rock. Once the three-step process is complete, your moon rock is ready for blastoff and is smoked in a pipe, joint, or water pipe (bong).

How to Smoke Moon Rocks

Smoking moon rocks is often described as harsh for the newer cannabis consumers. Like with any medical marijuana product, it’s important to start slow. We suggest using a glass bowl or pipe, as the moon rock leaves a greasy residue. Rolling a joint is not advised, as it will be hard to keep lit. It’s also important for patients to stay hydrated when consuming moon rocks.

Medical Benefits of Moon Rocks

  • Chronic Pain Relief: The average THC content in this product can be over 50%. Patients are finding a significant reduction in pain while using moon rocks. The long-lasting effect is proving to bring much needed relief to those suffering with pain.
  • Stimulating Appetite: Medical marijuana is typically used to stimulate a non-existent appetite, like for those undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. Moon rocks intensifies the sensation to eat. It provides a quick acting stimulant that allows even the smallest of eaters to find a taste for food again and to nourish their healing bodies.
  • Nausea Reduction: Taken in small doses, moon rocks bring much needed relief to patients suffering from severe nausea. The high THC content, combined with a .15% CBD rating, helps reduce a patient’s symptoms.
  • Reduce Anxiety: Moon rocks are known among cannabis connoisseurs to provide long lasting anxiety relief. Otherwise anxious patients are now finding a new way to relax.
  • Suppressed Seizures: Medical marijuana use is significant in suppressing seizures. Patients are finding they are having fewer, less severe, episodes.

Moon Rocks are considered the strongest cannabis product on the market. The average strain has a THC level between 15 and 30 percent, while moon rocks clock in at more than 50 percent on average. This THC level has a similar potency to many pure concentrates. That high level, combined with CBD, amplifies the medicinal properties. Hash oils used on their own can provide relief from anxiety, stress, and chronic pain. When combined with high-quality marijuana flower it offers superior medicinal value.

Contact us find out more about moon rocks, recipes we love, and how they can help you!

  1. Karla Schaffer

    Great information. What to know more.

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